Demonstration Pollinator Garden
The three-year development of our demonstration pollinator garden is a remarkable story. Follow the timeline and learn about the amazing gardening technique called hugelkultur. Visit 21 Acres and tour our pollinator gardens. Our projects are supported by staff and volunteers on the farm.
Fall 2020 – 21 Acres staff and volunteers came together to plant hundreds of pollinator friendly plants in two beds of the demonstration pollinator garden. Two other beds were covered in black plastic to manage the weeds.
Fall 2121 – A year later, the two covered garden beds were uncovered and transformed into two large Hugelkultur beds, which were then left to soak up the winter rains.
Spring 2022 – In the spring, volunteers shaped the beds with more soil, then fertilized and covered them with coffee bags to wait for the planting in the fall.
What is Hugelkultur?
Hugelkultur is a centuries-old process of building raised beds atop rotted wood and compostable materials (stuff that might end up in your compost bin). This process creates a garden that requires very little water or fertilizer. As the wood and other material in the bed decays, it provides nutrients and stores moisture for the plants. Read more.
Fall 2022 – The two Hugelkultur beds were planted by volunteers at 21 Acres. The plants were left to establish themselves and begin to provide a healthy habitat for pollinators and a learning garden for us.
Spring 2023 – In the spring, the plants in the hugel beds are beginning to grow and bloom. The beds themselves have begun to settle as the wood and other compostable materials have decayed.
Summer 2023 -Our summer garden is in full bloom, lush and thriving. The addition of benches donated by the Woodinville Garden Club creates a serene, relaxing place to watch the bees, birds and butterflies feed.
Summer 2024 – What a difference from where we started! The plants in our Hugelkultur mounds are grown, beautiful and thriving. The beds have settled slightly and the soil is rich and nourishing. Diligent weeding lets the plants steal the show.
The Spiral Herb Garden
The spiral garden, originally planted in 2008, is located at a central crossroads on the 21 Acres demonstration farm. Its spiral design incorporates the healing properties of reflexology and is densely planted with kitchen herbs for the 21 Acres kitchen and farm market. The Pollinator Pathway team adopted the garden as an additional pollinator habitat and set about restoring it to its original beauty, with help from a donation from the Woodinville Garden Club and the team’s dedication to weekly weeding and mulching. Herbs include oregano, thyme, valerian, lavender, marigold, rosemary and sage.