Videos, Podcasts and Webinars

Wild Ones – promoting native landscapes through education, advocacy and collaborative action, Wild Ones presents a series of free webinars. Tune in for the next one on February 20, “Bees Beyond Honey: Understanding Native and Managed Pollinators.”
Let Your Garden Grow Wild is a wonderful 12-minute TED talk from Ecological Horticulturist, Rebecca McMackin. She posits that the vast majority of gardens are ecological deserts and a great deal of damage has been done in the name of making a pretty garden, and she offers solutions.
Joe Lamp’l aka Joe Gardner, is the producer and host of a PBS show called Growing a Greener World. The videos and podcasts on his website offer lessons and advice on growing an organic garden and how the steps we take in our garden will impact the environment. His topics are varied and detailed and designed to teach, coach and inform. Among his topics are all the steps involved in planting and growing an organic garden (done in a series of podcasts), how to tell one ladybug species from another or what’s causing white spots on your zucchini foliage. Tune into Joe today and learn how to Grow Like a Pro. It will be time well spent.
Bug Banter is a series of podcasts offered by the Xerces Society. Each episode delves into the mysteries of invertebrates and discusses their contributions and the dangers they face. Past episodes include the life of the monarch butterfly, how invertebrates are disappearing from our planet, and what it means to be an endangered species. Connect now and watch online or wherever you view your podcasts.
Pollinators and Pesticides Webinar  – On March 29, 2023, Pollinator Pathway NW hosted a webinar on the dangers posed by Neonicotinoids and other pesticides on pollinators, our environment and our health. Enjoy this webinar Recap.