Mining Bee
Green Sweat Bee
Leafcutter Bee
Sweat Bee
Orchard Mason Bee

Fascinating Bee Facts

There are over 20,000 species of bees in the world, 4,000 of which are native to the United States. The Pacific Northwest has over 600 native bee species that contribute to the food supply and biodiversity of the region.
Bees are the most efficient and effective of all pollinators. Their size allows their bodies to adapt to different flower shapes to access pollen, which clings to their hairs and furry bodies as they travel on their pollination path. They are the number one crop pollinator.
Solitary Bees are species in which all the female bees are fertile and there is no queen bee. Each female constructs her own nest without any help from the rest of the species. More than 90% of bees are solitary bees. Their pollinating power is astounding. Two mason bees can do as much pollination in an apple orchard as 100 honey bees. Read more about these remarkable creatures.
Social Bees (including honey bees and bumblebees) live in colonies dominated by a queen bee, who is responsible for laying eggs and reproducing the population in the hive. Social bees are responsible for the production of honey and wax.
Seven native bees to know in Washington State.
Check out this very cool video about the life cycle of the Mason Bee.

Bee Habitats

Bees are the only pollinators that are ground nesters. Up to 70% of bees nest in the ground in holes in the bare earth. They need exposed, undisturbed dirt in which to nest. Even an inch of woody mulch on the ground will be too deep for bees to nest in. Bees also nest in hollow reeds and stems (raspberries, blackberries, elderberries, hydrangeas). Cavity nesting bees may like beetle holes or woodpecker holes in wood. Help bees by keeping your yard messy!
Bees also need water to drink. Provide shallow water sources, such as shallow bird baths or the drip tray from a pot. Add pebbles for the bees to perch on, as bees cannot swim.
Nomad Bee
Female Mining Bee
Long-horn Bee