Pollinator and Habitat Resources

Xerces Society – Habitat restoration guidelines.
Grow It Forward Restoration – Gardeners in the greater Seattle area use native tree and shrub seedlings to restore critical habitats. Learn how to set up a micro-nursery in your own garden.
Washington Native Bee Society – Promotes awareness and conservation of solitary bees and their habitats.
Washington Butterfly Association – A non-profit dedicated to the appreciation and conservation of butterflies and other pollinators.
EarthCorps – Native Pollinator Habitat Restoration Guide.
David Suzuki Society – Messy Yards Help Bees
Snohomish Conservation District – Bees 101: Fast Facts
Leave the leaves. New York Times article about why you don’t want to rake them.
Savvy Gardening – There is a right and a wrong way to do spring garden cleanup. Here is an excellent article on doing it right.
Hugelkultur – WSU site tells us what it is and all the steps for building your own.
More hugelkultur – Five variations and all the lowdown on each one.
Flowers for Pollinators – this site offers info on the importance of milkweed to Monarch butterflies. It also includes lots of links on how to support healthy wildlife habitats.